
TGB Blade 600 LTX Quads

A world famous brand, double seated, strong, reliable, comfortable quad.
4 wheel drive, sporty, cool design.
We have 7 of theese at the moment, so we can have 12 guests at a time. Plus the tour leader of course.
You need to have a regular driving license. The same what You have for Your car.

Quad tours


Electric Segways

We have 4 of them for the moment, in different colours.
16 inch wheels, digital screen, 20 km/h speed, 60 km range, max weight is 120 kg.


EElectric Rollers

We have 4 for the adults and 2 for the children.
Digital screen, 30 km/h speed, 35 km range, max weight is 120 kg, lights in the front and in the back.


Baby cars

The favourite brands in favourite colours. For the little girls and boys. We have a double seated as well.
Perents get a remote controller for the maximum safety.


Kedves Látogatónk!
Telephelyünk megváltozott: Kérsemjén, Alkotmány utca 35. (Fehérgyarmattól 8km) Ezzel egyidejűleg már nem Eger környékén szervezünk vezetett quad-túrákat, hanem a hasonlóan izgalmas Tisza-folyó árterében, Foglalási rendszerünk átmenetileg szünetel, telefonon illetve személyesen azonban tudsz jelentkezni erre az élménydús kalandra! +36702507900